Making music can soothe and inspire. Enroll in group instruction classes with seasoned instructors. Learn music basics, including how to read notes, chords, scales. Aspiring singers can enroll in a voice course for choral practice. Occasional music appreciation lecture programs address music and composers from various historic periods and may offer an opportunity to attend a concert or performance.
Private Piano Instruction
Beginning Group Piano
Introduction to the Ukulele
Music Theory – Individual Lessons
Ukulele 2 NEW!
The courses on this page are noncredit, meaning you won’t earn college credit toward a degree. You don’t need to apply. Just choose a program or course that interests you and check out our course search for a class that fits your needs. Registration for Fall 2024 opens on July 16!
Visit the noncredit registration page to learn more about enrolling in your course.
For help, email the Instructional Support Center or call 410-777-2325.